Monday, 31 August 2015

MS words short- cuts list

‪MSWord‬ Short-cuts List
1) CTRL + A = Select text
2) CTRL + B = Bold text
3) CTRL + C = Copy text
4) CTRL + D = Open font formatting window
5) CTRL + E = Center text
6) CTRL + F = Find a phrase
7) CTRL + G = Go To a specific page or bookmark
8) CTRL + H = Replace text with another text
9) CTRL + I = Italicize text
10) CTRL + J = Justify text
11) CTRL + K = Open Insert Hyperlink window
12) CTRL + L = Left align text
13) CTRL + M = Indent a paragraph from the left
14) CTRL + N = Open new Word document
15) CTRL + O = Open an existing Word document
16) CTRL + P = Print Word document
17) CTRL + Q = Remove paragraph formatting
18) CTRL + R = Right align text
19) CTRL + S = Save Word document
20) CTRL + T = Create a hanging indent
21) CTRL + U = Underline text
22) CTRL + V = Paste text
23) CTRL + W = Close Word document
24) CTRL + X = Cut text
25) CTRL + Y = Redo an action previously undone
26) CTRL + Z = Undo a previous action