Wednesday, 31 December 2014

The new year resolution of an UPSC GROUP

....I have been so irregular in my preparation. Now I will start afresh. I promise to myself that I will never break my promises. I will give up all bad habits.
It is childhood dream to be an IAS officer and I will do it at cost. It will help me improve my social image and I could get a life partner of my choice. My parents will also be proud of me.
No movie , no time killing... only study.... but when should I study ? Early morning or late night.? No I can't get up so late night..
I will deactivate my Facebook and what's up account.. or should I create a totally new account so that I would interact with limited friends...yeah it'll be fine.
I will be master of my life...
These are a few lines from the last year resolution of a student......but I am afraid it is very common .
He failed to actualize his plan and ended up doing all those things that he resoluted not to do last year...
He is ready to make a fresh resolutions for the new year 2015.
What about you?...
J.L.Nehru from his long accumulated experience wrote in his book discovery of India
".... thought without action is just like abortion and action without thought is folly."
If you make a plan but you often don't implement it then you must introspect what's is wrong with you. Otherwise only resolution will not bring any difference in your life.
You must discover not only the things you want to change but the reasons also why you couldn't be successful in changing them so far. Then only you could expect the new year resolution would be really new. Remember If you would run on the same path , you would reach the same place.